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Interpreters for every occasion

Most interpreter situations fall under the following categories:

Simultaneous Translation

Simultaneous Translation

At conferences, large meetings, seminars:

The interpreters sit in booths and hear the speakers through headphones. Everything said by the speakers is then interpreted and spoken through a microphone for the benefit of those listening to the translated rendition via wireless headphones. These listeners hear the interpreters practically in "real time", i.e., shortly after the speaker begins to talk. Normally there are at least two interpreters for each language combination, i.e., two for Swedish <> English, two for Swedish <> Spanish etc.

    Visits and business tours, simultaneous translation using portable equipment

Educational field trips and business tours, simultaneous interpretation using portable equipment

In situations where the listeners need to be mobile, as in visits to institutions, factories, exhibitions, museums etc., we recommend that portable interpreting equipment be used. This consists of a microphone for the interpreter and wireless headphones for the listeners. The interpreter stands close to the speaker and interprets, speaking in a low voice into the microphone.

This can also be done in multiple languages at the same time, since this equipment allows for several channels.

Consecutive interpreting

Consecutive interpreting

This type of interpreting can be used at smaller gatherings or occasions where only a few people are involved. Examples are business meetings and union negotiations, as well as official visits of heads of state. The speaker talks briefly, pauses and allows the interpreter to render what has been said into the target language.

Whispered Interpreting or Chuchotage 


Whispered Interpreting or Chuchotage

Whispered interpreting can be used when the interpreted rendition is for one or two people. The interpreter is very close to the person needing an interpretation and simultaneously interprets what the speaker is saying. However, it is advisable to use portable interpreting equipment to facilitate the communication. If the listener wants to make any comments, the interpreter will switch to the consecutive mode.

Translations, transcripts and voice-overs

Translations, transcripts and voice-overs

We also perform translations of written texts and transcripts of recordings, as well as translated voice-overs of video recordings.