Don't forget!
Languages and the number of interpreters:
- Find out the languages (source and target) with which you will need help.
- Which language is "the conference language", i.e., the main language of the conference?
- It is important to remember that two interpreters will be needed per language in most situations. These interpreters will work as a team and take turns interpreting approximately every 20-30 minutes. The interpreter that is not interpreting will listen to his or her colleague and assist if needed.
- Book the interpreters well in advance, as it may be difficult to find interpreters with the right language combinations at the last minute.
Conference equipment:
- Good quality conference equipment consisting of booths, microphones and headphones are vital to a successful conference. Interpreters allow for a dynamic and lively exchange of ideas, and more will be achieved, and the participants will be pleased if they can readily communicate despite the fact that they do not speak each other's languages. Furthermore, there will be a technician onsite monitoring the equipment at all times.
- We collaborate with companies providing top-quality interpreting booths, sound equipment, microphones, wireless headphones and portable interpreting equipment.
- We, at Avenida, can recommend companies that specialize in conference equipment. We also take pride in providing tailored solutions to meet the needs of our clients.
Preparing for the event:
- Just like the speakers, the interpreters need to see the agenda and learn about the topics that will be addressed at the conference/meeting in order to prepare. Please ask the speakers to submit documentation, a presentation of their main points, Power Point presentations etc. in advance. It need not be the final version, and speakers are free to change their presentations. It is important that the interpreters understand the objective and reasoning behind each presentation. Ancillary materials, such as minutes and information from previous conferences, can also be very useful so the interpreters can familiarize themselves with the subject. Web sites of participating companies, annual reports and the like may also be of great value. Any material distributed at the actual conference should also be provided to the interpreters beforehand.
- Interpreters will always interpret what is being said, but the more familiar they are with the subject and its specific terminology, the better the quality of their work.
- The speaker should keep in mind that titles of books and movies may vary from country to country and that some proverbs and jokes are practically impossible to interpret – in particular - simultaneously.
- If possible, it is a good idea to have a briefing with the interpreters before the sessions begin.
Contact us and together we will tailor the best possible solution for you.